Xray Referral and Interpretation

Xray, MRI and Ultrasound Interpretation Service

In the past many patients have seen us for pain. They have seen other practitioners and have had Xray’s, MRI’s and/or ultrasounds done in an effort to determine the cause of their complaints. They will often have been told that they have “wear and tear” or “arthritis”, or a “sprained muscle”, but the patient is uncertain what it all means. Patients will ask, “Is that normal”? Or “Is what is seen on the imaging the cause of my pain”? “Why am I still in pain”?

We now offer a service where we will review the presenting complaint and the imaging (Xrays usually) and correlate the symptom to the reports and results of the imaging. We will attempt to answer the questions that the patient has in regard to the report from the specialist and correlate the symptom to the imaging.


Xray Referral Service

This is for patients that are unable to see their GP due to time delays or unavailability of appointments, for a referral for x-rays to be taken at one of the radiology clinics.

We are able to offer this referral to any of the radiology clinics in Hamilton.

This could be for X-rays, ultrasounds and in some cases MRI’s.

We can offer:

1). A straight referral, where a consultation and examination is had in the clinic, a referral is made and a copy of the report will be sent to the G.P. or specialist. No treatment is given and the results of the report can also be given to the patient, but no explanation made.

2). A referral plus explanation. The patient has a consultation and examination made in the clinic. An appropriate referral is made. Several days later, when the report from the radiology clinic is sent to us, we consult with the patient, explain what is seen on the imaging and discuss appropriate management.

3). The patient may wish to be manged and treated in the clinic after all explanations have been made.


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